Top "Zend-mail" questions

Zend_Mail provides generalized functionality to compose and send both text and MIME-compliant multipart e-mail messages.

magento not sending out any mails, how to debug?

Magento is not sending out any emails, transnational, contact form gives error cannot send your mail at this moment I …

php debugging magento zend-framework zend-mail
Problem when sending mail with Zend Mail?

I'm trying to send an e-mail with ZendMail ( this simple script sums it up ) <?php require_once 'Zend/Mail.…

php zend-framework zend-mail
How can I make email template in Zend Framework?

I want to make email templates in Zend Framework. For example, <html> <body> Dear {$username$},<…

zend-framework templates zend-mail
what's the issue with Message-Id in email sent by php

I have suspicious message-id header of email sent by php to gmail account: Message-Id: <5100054f.a489440a.5d93.6a70…

php email smtp zend-mail
Creating HTML E-mails in Zend Framework 2 with Zend_Mail + Zend_Mime

Zend framework changed the Zend_Mail object so it no longer has the setBodyHtml() method to create HTML e-mails. Does …

php zend-framework2 html-email zend-mail
Adding an PDF attachment when using Zend_Mail

What is the right way to add an attachment when using Zend_Mail? I keep getting the following error when …

php email zend-framework attachment zend-mail
how to avoid email header Received: from unknown and email going to spam

I try to send email from our server using php and Zend_Mail. I use smtp transport. This is confimation …

php email smtp spam zend-mail
How to Use Zend Library without installation of Zend Framework

How to use zend library without using zend framework installation? I am trying to use zend library(Mail and Mime) …

php zend-framework zend-mail
Unable to send email in Zend using gmail SMTP. Getting Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'Zend_Mail_Protocol_Exception'. How to fix this?

I am trying to send email using Gmail SMTP. Following is my code. $mail = new Zend_Mail(); $config = array( 'ssl' =&…

php zend-framework zend-mail
How to send an email using Zend_Mail, sendmail, and localhost?

I'm developing a zend framework application that includes a simple email function. The development version is running on my computer, …

php zend-framework ubuntu sendmail zend-mail