Empty values passed to Zend framework 2 validators

deyine picture deyine · Feb 16, 2013 · Viewed 17.5k times · Source

How can I pass an empty value through Zend framework 2 ValidatorChain to my custom validator?

It was possible on ZF1 by allowEmpty(false)

On ZF2 with empty element value :

  • If allowEmpty = false, NotEmptyValidator is added to the top of ValidatorChain with breakOnFailure = true, @see Zend/InputFilter/Input#injectNotEmptyValidator.

  • If allowEmpty = true, Element is considered as Valid, @see Zend/InputFilter/BaseInputFilter#isValid

    if ($input->allowEmpty()) {
        $this->validInputs[$name] = $input;


anilyeni picture anilyeni · Jul 8, 2014

continue_if_empty solved my problem. Thanks to @dson-horácio-junior. This is what I used:

    'name' => 'field',
    'continue_if_empty' => true,
    'filters' => array(
        array('name' => 'StripTags'),
        array('name' => 'StringTrim')
    'validators' => array(
            'name' => 'Application\Form\Validator\Sample'

public function isValid($value, $context = null)
    if ($value == '' && $context['otherfield'] == '') {

        return false;

    // ...