Top "Zend-framework-routing" questions

How can you add query parameters in the ZF2 / ZF3 url view helper

I'm attempting to create a url with a query string using a route, like so: $this->url('users') -&…

php zend-framework2 zend-framework3 zend-framework-routing
ZF2: How to pass parameters to forward plugin which I can then get in the method I forward them to?

I have an Action method in Foo Controller which requires parameters: public function fooAction($one, $two) { $a = one; $b = $two; } …

php zend-framework2 zend-framework-mvc zend-framework-routing
Zend Framework 2 segment route required segment

I am trying to make a route (or two) that will let me invoke two different actions with the below …

php routing zend-framework2 zend-route zend-framework-routing