Top "Xunit" questions

xUnit is the collection name for unit-testing compliant frameworks following a specific architecture.

What is the JUnit XML format specification that Hudson supports?

I have Hudson as continuous integration server and I want to use option 'Publish JUnit test result report'. But I …

jenkins junit hudson xunit
Visual Studio 2015 or 2017 does not discover unit tests

EDIT 2016-10-19: The original question was about an issue specific to VS2015 CTP6 with the XUnit test runner. It's …

unit-testing visual-studio-2015 visual-studio-2017 xunit test-runner
Python unittests in Jenkins?

How do you get Jenkins to execute python unittest cases? Is it possible to JUnit style XML output from the …

python unit-testing jenkins junit xunit
Assert an Exception using XUnit

I am a newbie to XUnit and Moq. I have a method which takes string as an argument.How to …

c# unit-testing xunit
Pass complex parameters to [Theory]

Xunit has a nice feature: you can create one test with a Theory attribute and put data in InlineData attributes, …

c# unit-testing xunit
Comparing Two objects using Assert.AreEqual()

I 'm writing test cases for the first time in visual studio c# i have a method that returns a …

c# unit-testing object compare xunit
xUnit : Assert two List<T> are equal?

I'm new to TDD and xUnit so I want to test my method that looks something like: List<T&…

c# xunit
How do I skip specific tests in xUnit based on current platform

I have an assembly that I've built on Windows I want to run the xUnit tests on mono in Linux. …

NUnit vs. xUnit

What are the differences between NUnit and What's the point of developing two of them, not only one? …

c# .net nunit xunit
xUnit or NUnit? What advantages and disadvantages of each other?

What are the pluses and minuses of each framework, comparing to each other? How well they work with ASP.NET …

c# unit-testing testing nunit xunit