Top "Xunit" questions

xUnit is the collection name for unit-testing compliant frameworks following a specific architecture.

Issues in Xunit.Assert.Collection - C#

I have a Class Library, it contains the following Model and Method Model: public class Employee { public int EmpId { get; …

c# unit-testing collections assert xunit
Is it idiomatic Ruby to add an assert( ) method to Ruby's Kernel class?

I'm expanding my Ruby understanding by coding an equivalent of Kent Beck's xUnit in Ruby. Python (which Kent writes in) …

ruby assert xunit
Entity Framework Core: Log queries for a single db context instance

Using EF Core (or any ORM for that matter) I want to keep track of the number of queries the …

c# unit-testing logging entity-framework-core xunit
XUnit Assertion for checking equality of objects

I am using XUnit framework to test my C# code. Is there any assert method available in this framework which …

c# xunit
The following constructor parameters did not have matching fixture data

I'm trying to test my controllers using xUnitbut getting the following error during execution of Customer Controller: "The following constructor …

c# .net unit-testing .net-core xunit
xunit constructor runs before each test

In a test class, the constructor starts before each test and the initialized data provided by the constructor isn't reachable …

c# unit-testing xunit
How to determine the version of MSBuild an assembly was built with?

I'm trying to run my first tests via MSBuild and I'm following the documentation here. Here is my …

c# .net msbuild xunit
How can I stop the Visual Studio Test Runner when a test hangs

When a test hangs in a loop, the small green progress bar in the test runner does not proceed, but …

unit-testing visual-studio-2013 xunit
What's the idiomatic way to verify collection size in xUnit?

I have in my test suite a test that goes something like this: [Fact] public void VerifySomeStuff() { var stuffCollection = GetSomeStuff(); …

c# xunit
How to run setup code only once in an test

I'm trying to setup my tests using Xunit. I have a requirement to delete all images in a folder start …

c# xunit