Top "Xtext" questions

Use this tag to ask about Eclipse Xtext which is a framework for developing domain specific or general purpose programming languages.

ClassNotFoundException: junit.framework.TestCase cannot be found by org.eclipse.xtext.junit_2.4.3.v201309030823

I'm puzzled by this error: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: junit/framework/TestCase at java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass1(Native Method) at java.…

java eclipse junit4 xtext
java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: PermGen space in Eclipse Helios

I have created an Xtext plugin in eclipse. Every time I launch it as an 'Eclipse Application' via the context …

eclipse out-of-memory helios xtext
Problems with Xtext in eclipse

I'm working on a Java project in eclipse. Trying to open a file through Ctrl+Mouse click, I got a …

java xtext eclipse-juno
What are the main differences between Jetbrains' MPS and Eclipse Xtext?

I have used Eclipse Xtext in several projects. I loved the ease of defining a grammar over an Ecore (meta)…

dsl eclipse-emf xtext mps
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError when running JUnit plug-in test

When I run my JUnit Plug-in test I keep getting a java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError. Here are some missing bundles but …

java eclipse junit eclipse-plugin xtext
Xtext example of a scoped object

I'm looking for an example (in XText) of how to implement code completion on an user defined objects members. As …

scope dsl xtext
How to disable css warning "Unknown property" in Eclipse Mars?

I get many "Unknown property" warnings in my css files. This might be due to the fact that I have …

css eclipse validation xtext efxclipse
ANTLR Operator Precedence

How is operator precedence implemented in ANTLR? I'm using the XText/Antlr package at the moment. Edit: I did what …

compiler-construction antlr xtext
Can Xtext be used for parsing general purpose programming languages?

I'm currently developing a general-purpose agent-based programming language (its syntaxt will be somewhat inspired by Java, and we are also …

parsing antlr antlr3 xtext