Top "Antlr3" questions

Version 3 of ANTLR (ANother Tool for Language Recognition) created and written by Dr.

ANTLR: Is there a simple example?

I'd like to get started with ANTLR, but after spending a few hours reviewing the examples at the …

java antlr antlr4 antlr3
Assembly's manifest definition does not match assembly reference

I updated all the packages of my MVC project and I got the following error: Could not load file or …

nuget antlr3
Building a library using autotools from cmake

This is my first try with cmake and I would like to have, if possible, some feedbacks about what I …

build-process build-automation cmake autotools antlr3
How to resolve Antlr3 dependency hell

I have a MVC 4 project with MEF and RavenBD. When the project loads it throws this exception : Could … bundle antlr3 bundling-and-minification
Nested Boolean Expression Parser using ANTLR

I'm trying to parse a Nested Boolean Expression and get the individual conditions within the expression separately. For e.g., …

java parsing antlr antlr4 antlr3
How do I match unicode characters in antlr

I am trying to pick out all tokens in a text and need to match all Ascii and Unicode characters, …

unicode antlr antlr3
What is the equivalent for epsilon in ANTLR BNF grammar notation?

During taking advantage of ANTLR 3.3, I'm changing the current grammar to support inputs without parenthesis too. Here's the first version …

java antlr validation antlr3
Negating inside lexer- and parser rules

How can the negation meta-character, ~, be used in ANTLR's lexer- and parser rules?

antlr antlr3 parser-generator
How to match a string, but case-insensitively?

Let's say that I want to match "beer", but don't care about case sensitivity. Currently I am defining a token …

antlr antlr3