Top "Parser-generator" questions

A parser-generator is a tool that accepts a grammar description of a language (usually as an extended Backus-Naur Formalism (EBNF)), and generates computer code that will parse the language described by that grammar.

Extracting text data from PDF files

Is it possible to parse text data from PDF files in R? There does not appear to be a relevant …

pdf r parser-generator
What is a good C# compiler-compiler/parser generator?

I'm looking for a parser generator that given an EBNF for a LL(k) language will give me a C# …

c# parser-generator
ANTLR : no viable alternative error

I have a task to write simple parser-generator, so I wrote ANTLR-like grammar and tried to parse simple file like "…

antlr parser-generator
ANTLR4: Whitespace handling

I have seen many ANTLR grammars that use whitespace handling like this: WS: [ \n\t\r]+ -> skip; // or …

parsing antlr whitespace parser-generator antlr4
What advantages do LL parsers have over LR parsers?

What advantages do LL parsers have over LR parsers to warrant their relative popularity in today's parser generator tools? According …

parsing parser-generator lalr ll lr
How can I parse code to build a compiler in Java?

I need to write a compiler. It's homework at the univ. The teacher told us that we can use any …

java parsing compiler-construction parser-generator
Choice of Parser Generator

OK, I understand this question may sound quite opinion-based, however since I have several specific criteria of choice, I think …

c++ parsing bison lex parser-generator
Lex and Yacc in PHP

Is there an implementation of Lex and Yacc in PHP? If not, can anyone suggest a lexical analyser and parser …

php yacc lex parser-generator
A notation for empty right-hand sides of rules

When writing a ("theoretical") grammar with a rule with an empty right-hand side, one always use a symbol such as ε (…

bison yacc parser-generator
PHP Lexer and Parser Generator?

I know question Lex and Yacc in PHP was asked before but 1 year ago. Is there any new mature PHP …

php parsing lexical-analysis parser-generator