What advantages do LL parsers have over LR parsers?

Adam Paynter picture Adam Paynter · Nov 3, 2010 · Viewed 13.5k times · Source

What advantages do LL parsers have over LR parsers to warrant their relative popularity in today's parser generator tools?

According to Wikipedia, LR parsing appears to have advantages over LL:

LR parsing can handle a larger range of languages than LL parsing, and is also better at error reporting, i.e. it detects syntactic errors when the input does not conform to the grammar as soon as possible. This is in contrast to an LL(k) (or even worse, an LL(*) parser) which may defer error detection to a different branch of the grammar due to backtracking, often making errors harder to localize across disjunctions with long common prefixes.

Note: This is not homework. I was just surprised when I found out that Antlr is an LL parser generator (despite having "LR" in its name!).


Terence Parr picture Terence Parr · Nov 4, 2010

GLR is great if you want a parse tree/forest and don't mind black boxes. It lets you type in whatever CFG you want at the cost of checking for ambiguities at parse time via exhaustive testing, instead of resolving LR/LALR conflicts statically. Some say that's a good trade-off. Ira Baxter's DMS tool or Elkhound, which has a free C++ grammar, are useful for this class of problem. ANTLR is useful for a large class of language applications too, but uses a top-down approach, generating recursive descent parsers called LL(*) that allow semantic predicates. I will state without proof here that predicates allow you to parse context-sensitive languages beyond CFGs. Programmers like to insert actions into grammars, like good error handling, and like to single-step debug. LL is good at all three. LL is what we do by hand so it's easier to understand. Don't believe the wikipedia nonsense about LR being better at handling errors. That said, if you backtrack a lot with ANTLR, errors are indeed worse with LL(*) (PEGs have this problem).

Re backtracking. GLR speculates (i.e. backtracks) too, just like PEGs, ANTLR, and any other non-deterministic strategy. At any non-deterministic LR state, GLR "forks" sub-parsers to try out any viable path. Anyway, LL has good context for error handling. Where LR knows it's matching an expression, LL knows it's an expression in an assignment or IF-conditional; LR knows it could be in either but isn't sure - and that uncertainty is where it gets its power.

GLR is O(n^3) worst case. packrat/PEG is O(n) worst case. ANTLR's are O(n^2) due to cyclic lookahead DFA but O(n) in practice. Doesn't matter really. GLR is fast enough.

ANTLR is ANother Tool for Lang Recognition not anti-LR, but I like that one too ;)

Frankly, like a lot of young coders in 80s, I didn't understand LALR and didn't like black boxes (now I dig the beauty of the GLR engine but still prefer LL). I built a commercial LL(k) based compiler and decided to build a tool to generate what I had built by hand. ANTLR isn't for everyone and edge cases like C++ might be better handled with GLR but a lot of people find ANTLR fits into their comfort zone. Since Jan 2008, there have been 134,000 downloads of ANTLR's binary jar, within ANTLRWorks, and source zips total (according to Google Analytics). See our paper on LL(*) with lots of empirical data.