Top "Xmlhttprequest" questions

XMLHttpRequest (XHR) is a JavaScript object that exposes an API for making asynchronous HTTP requests from frontend code running a Web browser — that is, for enabling the programming technique known as AJAX.

Query Wikipedia's API using AJAX (XMLHttpRequest)

I am trying to implement a simple request to Wikipedia's API using AJAX (XMLHttpRequest). If I type the url in …

javascript ajax api wikipedia xmlhttprequest
hls.js CORS using AWS Cloudfront issues with Cookies

I'm trying to set up a video streaming using Cloudfront HLS capabilities but I'm having trouble getting Hls.js to …

cookies xmlhttprequest cors amazon-cloudfront hls.js
How to enable CORS for streaming on Chromecast using Media Player library?

Chromecast supports streaming in MPEG-DASH, Smooth Streaming, and HLS and the Media Player library:…

cors google-cast chromecast xmlhttprequest
CefSharp and Crossdomain

I'm trying to use the CefSharp web browser inside a .NET 4.0 application. I load pages from html and js content …

c# xmlhttprequest cross-domain chromium-embedded cefsharp
XMLHttpRequest referrer and iframe

Page A contains javascripts function executing XMLHttpRequest. Page A loads page B in iframe. Page B executes parent.makeRequest() function …

javascript xmlhttprequest referer
'XHR returned response code 403' message when trying to Pin

I have been happily Pinning away on my Pinterest account. I never overdo it and one day i got the …

xmlhttprequest http-status-code-403 pinterest pins
Opinion about synchronous requests in web workers

I want to know what do you think about this. Is recommended to use synchronous requests (XMLHttpRequest) in a web …

javascript ajax xmlhttprequest web-worker
"getElementById not a function" when trying to parse an AJAX response?

I'm running GM_xmlhttpRequest (in a Greasemonkey script) and storing the responseText into a newly created HTML element: var responseHTML = …

javascript xmlhttprequest greasemonkey getelementbyid gm-xmlhttprequest
Do current XHR implementations take advantage of HTTP/2?

This may just highlight some misconception of mine, but I was curious: If you had an HTTP/2 server running and …

javascript xmlhttprequest http2