Top "Xmlhttprequest" questions

XMLHttpRequest (XHR) is a JavaScript object that exposes an API for making asynchronous HTTP requests from frontend code running a Web browser — that is, for enabling the programming technique known as AJAX.

Websockets. Loss of internet, keep-alive messages, app architecture etc

Well, there's a lof of information about websockets. The technology itself is amazing, there's no doubt in this fact. And …

javascript html xmlhttprequest websocket long-polling
What is the default timeout for AngularJS $http service requests?

In $http docs it does not mention which is the default timeout in case of undefined. How can I know …

angularjs xmlhttprequest connection-timeout
Excel VBA using XMLHTTP with Siteminder Secured site

I am completely new to using XMLHTTP and experimenting with trying to download a report off of our company's internet …

excel xmlhttprequest siteminder vba
Why does setting XMLHttpRequest responseType before calling open throw?

Running new XMLHttpRequest().responseType = "json" in the console throws an "InvalidStateError" exception in Firefox 26 and IE11 but not in Chrome 31. …

javascript ajax xmlhttprequest w3c specifications
Http-Method changes from POST to OPTIONS when changing Content-Type

I am using closure library to do a simple POST. I think XhrIo should work because from my machine when …

javascript xmlhttprequest google-closure plovr
Hide 401 console.error in chrome dev tools getting 401 on fetch() call

I have some code where i make a fetch call. This takes advantage of window.fetch api built into modern …

javascript xmlhttprequest fetch-api
Chrome is not sending if-none-match

I'm trying to do requests to my REST API, I have no problems with Firefox, but in Chrome I can't …

google-chrome firefox caching xmlhttprequest etag
You must write ContentLength bytes to the request stream before calling [Begin]GetResponse

Error: You must write ContentLength bytes to the request stream before calling [Begin]GetResponse. Can anyone advise why I am …

xml xmlhttprequest webrequest webresponse
Why do browser APIs restrict cross-domain requests?

XMLHttpRequests require CORS to work cross-domain. Similarly for web fonts, WebGL textures, and a few other things. In general all …

security http xmlhttprequest cross-domain cors
Request format is unrecognized for URL unexpectedly ending in '/Convert' happens after 1-2 days

I'm calling a webservice using an Microsoft.XMLHTTP call: var xmlhttp = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP");"POST", "/xxx/Converter.… web-services https xmlhttprequest asmx