XMLHttpRequest (XHR) is a JavaScript object that exposes an API for making asynchronous HTTP requests from frontend code running a Web browser — that is, for enabling the programming technique known as AJAX.
Any idea why XMLHttpRequest with correct credentials in Pebble JS Framework fails basic authentication on Android but works in iOS? …
ajax xmlhttprequest pebble-watch pebble-sdkI have changed my coding style with more complex projects to loading pages (And their embedded scripts) "on demand" recently. …
jquery ajax xmlhttprequest firebug google-chrome-devtoolsI have a complete mess of a component. Right now I pass a function I have been trying a million …
javascript reactjs xmlhttprequest antdIm using a page fetch script to dynamically load a web page into a div. Heres the code. BTW Im …
javascript ajax xmlhttprequest innerhtmlI'm using XmlHttpRequests to upload images to a server and I'd like to show the user the progress of these …
javascript ajax xmlhttprequestI am trying to upload a large file over 1GB to 2GB using jQuery File Upload - blueimp (Ajax based) …
php file-upload xmlhttprequest jquery-file-upload large-filesI want to intercept the fetch API request and response in Javascript. For ex: Before sending the request want to …
javascript ajax xmlhttprequest interceptor fetch-apiI'm trying to do something like this (W3 compliant, DOM): xhr.setRequestHeader( 'X-Requested-With', 'XMLHttpRequest' ); For ActiveXObject('Microsoft.XMLHTTP') and XDomainRequest (…
javascript ajax internet-explorer xmlhttprequest xdomainrequestI have hit a wall with this issue. I guess it is some kind of IE bug but I want …
javascript xmlhttprequest cors internet-explorer-10I think this question will be easy for someone and will be a face-palm situation for me. I have a …
javascript jquery laravel xmlhttprequest cloudways