Top "Xmlhttprequest" questions

XMLHttpRequest (XHR) is a JavaScript object that exposes an API for making asynchronous HTTP requests from frontend code running a Web browser — that is, for enabling the programming technique known as AJAX.

XMLHttpRequest fails basic authentication

Any idea why XMLHttpRequest with correct credentials in Pebble JS Framework fails basic authentication on Android but works in iOS? …

ajax xmlhttprequest pebble-watch pebble-sdk
How do I debug Javascript which was loaded via AJAX (specifically jQuery)

I have changed my coding style with more complex projects to loading pages (And their embedded scripts) "on demand" recently. …

jquery ajax xmlhttprequest firebug google-chrome-devtools
How should customRequest be set in the Ant Design Upload component to work with an XMLHttpRequest?

I have a complete mess of a component. Right now I pass a function I have been trying a million …

javascript reactjs xmlhttprequest antd
Firefox & AJAX Junk after document element

Im using a page fetch script to dynamically load a web page into a div. Heres the code. BTW Im …

javascript ajax xmlhttprequest innerhtml
XmlHttpRequest onprogress interval

I'm using XmlHttpRequests to upload images to a server and I'd like to show the user the progress of these …

javascript ajax xmlhttprequest
Intercept Fetch() API responses and request in Javascript

I want to intercept the fetch API request and response in Javascript. For ex: Before sending the request want to …

javascript ajax xmlhttprequest interceptor fetch-api
Setting headers in XDomainRequest or ActiveXObject('Microsoft.XMLHTTP')

I'm trying to do something like this (W3 compliant, DOM): xhr.setRequestHeader( 'X-Requested-With', 'XMLHttpRequest' ); For ActiveXObject('Microsoft.XMLHTTP') and XDomainRequest (…

javascript ajax internet-explorer xmlhttprequest xdomainrequest
XmlHttpRequest status 0 instead of 401 in IE 10

I have hit a wall with this issue. I guess it is some kind of IE bug but I want …

javascript xmlhttprequest cors internet-explorer-10
Mixed content jQuery ajax HTTPS request has been blocked on Laravel

I think this question will be easy for someone and will be a face-palm situation for me. I have a …

javascript jquery laravel xmlhttprequest cloudways