Top "Xmlhttprequest" questions

XMLHttpRequest (XHR) is a JavaScript object that exposes an API for making asynchronous HTTP requests from frontend code running a Web browser — that is, for enabling the programming technique known as AJAX.

Cross-origin request for local file

I need to open a local html file in the browser. The javascript works fine but ajax stops working and …

javascript xmlhttprequest cross-domain local-files
How to get response url in XMLHttpRequest?

There is a page (url), I request it by XMLHttpRequest, but I'm not getting response from requested url, It's directing …

javascript ajax xmlhttprequest response
JavaScript Object (JSON) to URL String Format

I've got a JSON object that looks something like { "version" : "22", "who: : "234234234234" } And I need it in a string ready to …

javascript json xmlhttprequest native
IE10/IE11 Abort Post Ajax Request After Clearing Cache with error "Network Error 0x2ef3"

SCRIPT7002: XMLHttpRequest: Network Error 0x2ef3, Could not complete the operation due to error 00002ef3 No valid solution at the …

javascript ajax post xmlhttprequest internet-explorer-10
How to wait for a JSONModel.loadData() request in UI5

In SAPUI5/OpenUI5, I have a JSONModel I populate by a file from server: var oModel = new JSONModel(); oModel.loadData("…

javascript asynchronous xmlhttprequest sapui5
Javascript XMLHttpRequest: Ignore invalid SSL Certificate

so I have been having trouble with grabbing information from a device that is interfaced with via https due to …

javascript networking xmlhttprequest ssl-certificate windows-desktop-gadgets
How does JavaScript handle AJAX responses in the background?

Since JavaScript runs in a single thread, after an AJAX request is made, what actually happens in the background? I …

javascript xmlhttprequest
selectSingleNode works but not selectNodes

Javascript: var req=xmlDoc.responseXML.selectSingleNode("//title"); alert(req.text); as expected, returns the text of the first "title" node. …

javascript internet-explorer xmlhttprequest selectsinglenode selectnodes
Web Scraping in a Google Chrome Extension (JavaScript + Chrome APIs)

What are the best options for performing Web Scraping of a not currently open tab from within a Google Chrome …

javascript google-chrome google-chrome-extension xmlhttprequest web-scraping
VBS Microsoft.XMLHTTP status

Why does the following code give a 80004005 error when run? I'm trying to get the status of several sites every 10 …

vbscript status xmlhttprequest