Top "Siteminder" questions

siteminder is an application sold by Computer Associates that allows web assets to require authentication before access is given.

How can I trust that the SiteMinder HTTP headers haven't been tampered with?

I am completely new to SiteMinder and SSO in general. I poked around on SO and CA's web site all …

single-sign-on siteminder
What are the ways to integrate Single Sign On with SiteMinder and a to-be-developed java/.Net bespoke solution?

I am thinking of building a bespoke solution using either java or .NET and I want to integrate the authentication …

java .net single-sign-on siteminder
Spring security PreAuthentication Filter asks for AuthenticationEntryPoint

I am trying to use PreAuthFilter (for Siteminder) with Spring Security 3.0. <http use-expressions="true"> <intercept-url pattern="/admin/**" …

java spring spring-security siteminder pre-authentication
Set the SMSESSION cookie to get the response back

I am trying to get the response back from the server. So for that what I did is, I passed …

java jsp session-cookies siteminder
Integrating Spring Security with SiteMinder

How do you integrate Spring Security with SiteMinder to receive a User and Role? I have a project setup with …

java spring spring-mvc spring-security siteminder
Retrieve user id from Siteminder smsession

Our system is a gateway interacting with Siteminder for authentication and connecting to back end systems. Siteminder is returning SMSESSION …

userid siteminder
Excel VBA using XMLHTTP with Siteminder Secured site

I am completely new to using XMLHTTP and experimenting with trying to download a report off of our company's internet …

excel xmlhttprequest siteminder vba
SiteMinder SSO Custom Login page

Has anyone got a bare bones custom login page, that will post to the default login.fcc. I'm unsure where …

single-sign-on siteminder
Integrating tomcat to siteminder

Is there a detailed guide for using Siteminder with Tomcat .I searched over Google and SO most of the questions …

tomcat siteminder
Spring Security Java Config for Siteminder

I have an inMemoryAuthentication configuration that works: @Configuration @EnableWebMvcSecurity public class WebSecurityConfiguration extends WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter { @Override protected void configure( AuthenticationManagerBuilder authenticationManagerBuilder) …

spring-mvc spring-security siteminder spring-java-config