Top "Xcodebuild" questions

Questions related to the use of the command-line xcodebuild tool, which is part of Apple's Xcode toolset

Failed to generate release build of cordova ios app

I am using phonegap CLI 3.1 and XCode5. I am trying to generate the build for release mode through Phonegap CLI …

ios xcode cordova xcodebuild xcrun
xcodebuild not copying file from .app

I've created a signed .xcarchive file using the xcodebuild command. Inside the .xcarchive is a .app file. Inside the .app …

ios xcode terminal xcodebuild
Xcodebuild: Unable to find a destination matching the provided destination specifier

I want to test same unit test on various platform versions. However, I can't due to a xcodebuild error. I …

xcode xcodebuild simctl
Code=53 "Simulator verification failed."

Since I updated to XCode 6.2, when I try to run xcodebuild -project Demo.xcworkspace -scheme Demo clean build test I'm …

ios xcode xcodebuild
Unable to copy dSYM file into archive

Whenever I run 'build and archive' from XCode I get the following message: Unable to copy dSYM file into archive. …

iphone xcode xcodebuild
xcodebuild times out when starting simulator

I am attempting to set up automated testing for my iOS app using TeamCity. Currently, my agent builds, but once …

ios-simulator teamcity xcode8 xcodebuild codesign
xcodebuild commands give different results when run from the command line than when run from within Jenkins

I'm setting up a CI system using Jenkins and was finding that the build was failing because xcodebuild reports there …

xcode jenkins xcodebuild
IOS: xcodebuild command disable bitcode in Build Settings

I want to disable Bitcode in the build settings of a .xcodeproj through terminal commands. I have searched all over …

ios terminal command xcodebuild bitcode
xctool fails to clean my iOS project

I'm using xctool (v0.1.16) for an iOS project, which is configured as follows: a workspace two targets Project and ProjectTests …

ios xcodebuild xctool