Since I updated to XCode 6.2, when I try to run
xcodebuild -project Demo.xcworkspace -scheme Demo clean build test
I'm always getting:
iPhoneSimulator: SimVerifier returned: Error Domain=NSPOSIXErrorDomain Code=53
"Simulator verification failed." UserInfo=0x7f82b9e091a0
NSLocalizedFailureReason=A connection to the simulator verification service could
not be established.,
NSLocalizedRecoverySuggestion=Ensure that is installed on a volume with
ownership enabled.,
NSLocalizedDescription=Simulator verification failed.
Has anyone encountered this?
Rather than simply delete the /Library/Developer
directory, I updated the permissions on all instances of dyld_sim
to match those that Jeremy from Apple mentions in this post. First, find all instances of this on your machine with the following command:
sudo find / -name dyld_sim
Then, check the permissions for each one:
ls -l "<file location\file name>"
If you don't see:
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root wheel
Then you will need to modify the permissions to match properly. In my case, the group ownership was wrong and listed as admin
instead of wheel
. Using
sudo chown :wheel "<file location\file name>"
to change the group ownership on each of the incorrect instances corrected the issue. If the issue is the flags and not ownership you will need to use chmod