Top "Xcodebuild" questions

Questions related to the use of the command-line xcodebuild tool, which is part of Apple's Xcode toolset

Which version of Xcode does xcodebuild use?

I have installed both Xcode 3.2 and Xcode 4.0.2 on the same machine, which uses Hudson for automated CI (continuous integration) builds. …

xcode4 continuous-integration hudson xcodebuild xcode3.2
How to filter the xcodebuild command line output?

Running xcodebuild from the console will bring you very verbose output and I wasn't able to locate any options for …

xcode build-process console build-automation xcodebuild
Continuous Integration for Xcode projects?

After using Hudson for continuous integration with a prior project, I want to set up a continuous integration server for …

iphone xcode continuous-integration cruisecontrol xcodebuild
Build and run an app on simulator using xcodebuild

I have the following goal to achieve: build and run an .app application using xcodebuild and ios-sim. I'm using the …

ios xcode shell ios-simulator xcodebuild
Archive with Xcode's command line build tool (xcodebuild archive)

The command line tool to build Xcode projects, xcodebuild, has a new build action available in Xcode 4: archive. From man …

ios command-line xcode4 xcodebuild
No architectures to compile for (ARCHS=i386, VALID_ARCHS=arm64 armv7 armv7s)

Preface: I did look at similar questions and none of the answers seemed to fix my problem. I am trying …

ios xcode xcodebuild xcode5.1
xcodebuild - codesign -vvvv says"resource envelope is obsolete"

I've just updated my xcode install to use xcode 6.0.1 in order to start compiling my app for ios8 devices. For …

xcode ios8 xcode6 xcodebuild codesign
Xcode 10 archiving fails - only on command line (xcodebuild)

I'm having issues with archiving on my CI machine (Jenkins), when running the process manually on the SAME machine but …

ios cocoapods xcodebuild xcode10 archiving
xcodebuild - 'Code Sign error: Provisioning profile X can't be found'

Yet another code sign error. I'm running command: xcodebuild -project $DIR/myproject.xcodeproj -sdk iphoneos5.0 -alltargets and my project.pbxproj "…

xcode xcodebuild ios-provisioning provisioning-profile
Xcode, Codesign Error from Jenkins / SSH - "User Interaction is not allowed"

I am trying to run an automated xcodebuild on Jenkins, but I am running into the error User interaction is …

ios ssh jenkins xcodebuild codesign