xctool fails to clean my iOS project

Philippe A picture Philippe A · Sep 22, 2014 · Viewed 7.2k times · Source

I'm using xctool (v0.1.16) for an iOS project, which is configured as follows:

  • a workspace
  • two targets Project and ProjectTests
  • two schemes Project and ProjectTests

I have a .xctool-args file with the workspace and Project scheme configured.

I run xctool build and xctool -scheme ProjectTests -sdk iphonesimulator test successfully.

However, I run xctool clean and the following happens:

  • 1st it runs xcodebuild clean Project successfully
  • 2nd it runs xcodebuild build clean which fails with the error:
    • Scheme Tests is not currently configured for the clean action.

It is strange because I don't have a Tests scheme at all.

I run xctool clean -showTasks and have more details about the error. It runs and fails at

/Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/usr/bin/xcodebuild \
  -configuration Debug \
  -workspace    /var/folders/b7/472b_skj24gf7wmw6c3krp5c0000gn/T/xctool_temp_KMbH0e/Tests.xcworkspace \
  -scheme    Tests \
OBJROOT=/Users/paristote/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/Project-fmyqwebczmtplydrfhcmrdzezcft/Build/Intermediates \
SYMROOT=/Users/paristote/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/Project-fmyqwebczmtplydrfhcmrdzezcft/Build/Products \
SHARED_PRECOMPS_DIR=/Users/paristote/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/Project-fmyqwebczmtplydrfhcmrdzezcft/Build/Intermediates/PrecompiledHeaders \
  -IDECustomDerivedDataLocation=/var/folders/b7/472b_skj24gf7wmw6c3krp5c0000gn/T/xctool_temp_KMbH0e/DerivedData \

However, the same command executed separately finishes successfully.

The workspace at /var/folders/b7/472b_skj24gf7wmw6c3krp5c0000gn/T/xctool_temp_KMbH0e/Tests.xcworkspace simply references two projects, the Project xcodeproj and Pods xcodeproj. It does contain a Tests scheme with a build action.

Why does this command fail in the 1st place? Any help is appreciated.



Jace Browning picture Jace Browning · Apr 28, 2015

I fixed this issue by checking the "shared" box for the main scheme:

  1. Choose Product > Scheme > Manage Schemes.

  2. Select the Shared option for the scheme to share, and click OK.

source: https://developer.apple.com/library/ios/recipes/xcode_help-scheme_editor/Articles/SchemeShare.html