Top "Xcode5.0.1" questions

Xcode 5.0.1 adds support for development on OS X 10. Permission denied in iOS Project

I have got an existing project from a client and I tried to run this in my MAC using XCode 5.0 …

ios permission-denied xcode5.0.1
Providing *hint* in text field in ios 7 as edittext field in android

I am creating a feedback form in an ios7 application and want to place few UITextFields which contain hints in …

objective-c ios7 uitextfield xcode5.0.1
UIImageView shows in storyboard but doesn't show up in simulator

I added images using uiimageview in storyboard and connected them to iboutlets and they are not showing up in the …

ios objective-c xcode5.0.1
how and where do I initialize an global NSMutableArray in Xcode 5

I am trying to initialize a global NSMutableArray that I can add integers to later. I just need to know …

ios nsmutablearray initialization xcode5 xcode5.0.1
In XCode 5 and iOS 7 push view controller in ViewDidLoad does not working

Hi I am trying to push a view controller in viewDidLoad I am using storyboard. In ViewDidLoad, I am checking …

ios iphone ios7 xcode5 xcode5.0.1