Top "Xcode-organizer" questions

Xcode organizer helps in development related tasks.

Archiving project in Xcode incorrectly creates multi-application bundle

Archiving my project in Xcode is creating a multi-application bundle, instead of bundling my main target for release, which is …

xcode ios-4.2 xcode4 archiving xcode-organizer
Xcode won't recognize my new provisioning profile

My app's development provisioning profile expired a couple of weeks ago, so I went to the provisioning portal to get …

iphone ios xcode ios-provisioning xcode-organizer
After upgraded to Xcode 4.2, Organizer - SVN repository stopped working

I recently upgraded my Xcode to 4.2. Since then my Organizer-Repository stopped working. Initially it said "Host is unreachable" and placed …

macos svn xcode4 xcode-organizer
Multiple Certificates/Provisioning Profiles in one Xcode organizer?

There are several similar questions here, but none could answer my basic question: Is it possible to have two separate …

iphone certificate keychain ios-provisioning xcode-organizer
What does the "Use for Development" button in Xcode Organizer do to an iOS device?

When selecting an iOS device and clicking the "Use for Development" button in Xcode organizer, what does it change on …

iphone ios ipad xcode-organizer
Provisioned iPhone not showing in Xcode Organizer (or iTunes)

I've recently set up an app id and provisioning profile and was able to test my app on the device …

iphone ios sync ios-provisioning xcode-organizer
How to remove a team I'm no longer associated with?

Used to be associated with "Foo", no longer am. "Foo" still shows up under Teams in the Organizer. I'd like …

xcode xcode-organizer
XCode not finding crash logs

I have a problem with XCode organiser, which is not showing any new iPhone app crash log anymore. I checked …

iphone xcode crash logging xcode-organizer