Multiple Certificates/Provisioning Profiles in one Xcode organizer?

marimba picture marimba · Feb 10, 2011 · Viewed 18.8k times · Source

There are several similar questions here, but none could answer my basic question:

Is it possible to have two separate developer certificates in the keychain and two corresponding distribution profiles in Organizer?

I have my own (working) developer certificate and provisioning profile for my own iPhone apps. Now I finished a project for a client and would like to use his developer account/certificates/provisioning profiles to submit his app to the app store on his account.

Is that even possible?

So far I downloaded and installed his certificates and they show up in my keychain, and I installed his provisioning profile in Organizer, but Organizer tells me "A valid signing identity matching this profile could not be found in your keychain.". Likewise, the archive build fails.

I couldn't find a way to tell Organizer to use the certificate of my client instead of my own-I think this is the problem.

Thanks for any help!


Bogatyr picture Bogatyr · Feb 10, 2011

Yes I've produced app store builds of projects for clients several times using their distribution certificate. No need to use their developer certificate. There are many things can could go wrong here, if you have access to the client's account you can go on to the provisioning portal and check things out:

  • make sure the bundle ID in the project settings exactly matches the app ID on the iOS provisioning portal ( usually)

  • make sure the app store distribution provisioning profile is marked as "valid" and shows up under the distribution certificate.

  • make sure the app store build config in xcode references the client's distribution cert.

  • open your keychain and make sure that the client distribution cert also has its accompanying private key. This may be the problem, it's the part usually left out. The client must export his private key for his dist cert and send it to you in the .p12 file along with the password to the .p12 file. The dist cert can't be used to sign the app without the private key!

  • sometimes just quitting Xcode and restarting it helps.