An error has occurred. Unable to import an item. The contents of this item cannot be retrieved. Missing .pem file

Raj Pawan Gumdal picture Raj Pawan Gumdal · May 20, 2011 · Viewed 39.5k times · Source

I am struck with a problem. I installed the p12 certificates once into a MacBookPro and then deleted it, now when I am again trying to install it. Keychain is simply not accepting the certificate for strange reason.

After some googling, I hit upon this link:

Which clearly says that there is a bug with Keychain and states a workaround too. But unfortunately I do not have the .pem file, since I have not made a backup of it thinking that p12 file is sufficient (which actually is, if not for this bug!). So how do I get the .pem file so that I can install the certificates back onto the same laptop using this workaround?

Thanks for any suggestions / ideas. Raj


Gili picture Gili · Aug 19, 2013


You can use the 'security' command line tool:

security import priv_key.p12 -k ~/Library/Keychains/login.keychain

security import pub_key.pem -k ~/Library/Keychains/login.keychain contains a similar answer.