Top "Xamarin.mac" questions


Error Code-90161 Invalid provisioning profile

ERROR ITMS-90161:"Invalid Provisioning Profile I have created IPA using Xamarin IOS in ad-hoc mode and selected a adhoc provisioning …

ios xcode xamarin app-store-connect xamarin.mac
Toolbar item not showing in xamarin forms

I am pretty much new to Xamarin forms. I am trying to add toolbar items to content page. I am …

ios xamarin.ios xamarin xamarin.forms xamarin.mac
How do I launch multiple instances of Xamarin Studio on the Mac (Visual Studio for Mac)?

I'd like to have multiple copies of Xamarin Studio running simultaneously. Once one copy is running, double-clicking the Xamarin Studio …

macos xamarin.ios xamarin-studio xamarin.mac
Where is the difference between Xamarin.Mac and Mono:OSX

Where is the difference between Xamarin.Mac and Mono:OSX. I know Xamarin bought Mono so I thought it should …

c# macos mono monomac xamarin.mac
Xamarin iOS Failed to Install

I am a Window user so to work with Xamarin I borrowed a Mac. After installing Xamarin and it's components …

xamarin xamarin.ios xamarin.forms xamarin.mac
Can Apple Mac OS runs on virtual machine in Windows as build host with Xamarin.iOS?

I want to develop an iOS mobile app using Xamarin in Windows. Can Apple Mac OS run on a virtual …

xamarin.ios xamarin xamarin.mac
How to create Image Button in Xamarin.Forms?

Please let us know how to create Image Button in Xamarin.Forms, we aren't using the story board. Environment : Xamarin …

xamarin xamarin.forms xamarin.mac
How to get monitor EDID in OSX?

I'm looking to pull the EDID information in OSX? It looks like it's stored in the IORegistry. Is there a …

xamarin pinvoke iokit xamarin.mac edid
Could not retrieve SSH fingerprint. Make sure that Mac is reachable and remote login is enabled

I am trying to connect to MAC Build host from visual studio but when i press connect button, above error …

xamarin xamarin.ios xamarin.forms xamarin-studio xamarin.mac