Top "Xamarin-studio" questions

Xamarin Studio was a .NET development environment focused on creating iOS, Android and Mac apps.

VT-x is disabled in the BIOS for both all CPU modes (VERR_VMX_MSR_ALL_VMX_DISABLED)

Downloaded Xamarin Android Player and with >>next>> progress installed Virtual Box. When I tried to start …

virtualbox xamarin-studio
Android SDK location

I have Xamarin Studio, and I need to specify the Android SDK Location. I have previously had Xamarin Studio working …

android sdk xamarin-studio
How do I debug on a real Android device using Xamarin for Visual Studio?

I've found a few links but they don't explain how this is done. I can debug using Xamarin Studio IDE …

c# visual-studio visual-studio-2012 xamarin xamarin-studio
Xamarin Android - How to rebuild Resource.designer.cs

In Xamarin Android - How to regenerate the Resource.designer.cs I tried to mark all the XML file's Build …

xamarin xamarin-studio
How to develop iOS app using Xamarin Studio on Windows?

I'm evaluating a Xamarin Studio indie license which does not include VS integration - Correct me if I am wrong. …

c# ios xamarin xamarin.ios xamarin-studio
How to use RunOnUIThread() in Xamarin Android

I would like to run this statement after getting result into OStateUserId object. details.Text = + "\n" + OStateUserID.population); …

xamarin xamarin-studio
Where can I download the REAL MonoDevelop Windows binaries?

The website just takes me to this "Xamarin Studio" thing that has severe restrictions on the usage of …

mono monodevelop xamarin xamarin-studio
The "LinkAssemblies" task failed unexpectedly

When we are trying to build a xamarin forms project in release mode, we are getting the error: C:\Program …

xamarin xamarin.forms xamarin-studio
How to call a function in onclick event in

I am C# developer working on a simple calculator in for android my code is btn9.Click += delegate { …

c# android xamarin-studio
How to change Border Color of Entry in Xamarin.Forms

I'm writing an app in Xamarin.forms cross-platform. There are few Entries in The app and I want to create/…

xaml xamarin cross-platform xamarin.forms xamarin-studio