Xamarin iOS Failed to Install

Manoj Sethi picture Manoj Sethi · Jul 13, 2016 · Viewed 8.6k times · Source

I am a Window user so to work with Xamarin I borrowed a Mac. After installing Xamarin and it's components on Mac I am able to connect it with my windows machine but when I run the debugger for running the application I get following error


Please help.

NOTE - Already looked into Xamarin Forms iOS Deploy with simulator Failed To Install ERROR but it didn't help.

Android is working fine.



Manoj Sethi picture Manoj Sethi · Jul 13, 2016

Got it working.

  1. In Windows go to Tools => Options => Xamarin => iOS Settings => Uncheck Remote Simulator
  2. Run the application in debug mode, you will see the emulator in the Mac(A big emulator press CTRL+3 to get it normal).
  3. If 2nd step fails go for release mode and then again for debug mode.
  4. Now again check the Remote Emulator option under xamarin

Run the application and it worked.

I hope it helps for other devs who are searching for the similar issue.