Top "Wsdl2java" questions

WSDL2Java is a JAX-RPC tool that is run against the WSDL file to create Java APIs and deployment descriptor templates according to these specifications.

Gradle wsdl generating

I want to generate java files from wsdl. I try to use wsdl2java gradle plugin. I define the plugin: …

java gradle wsdl wsdl2java
Altering the timeout setting of an Axis 1.4 generated SOAP Java client

I have a problem with changing the standard options used by an Axis 1.4 generated web service client code. We consume …

timeout connection wsdl2java axis generated-code
How to generate *.xjb file from WSDL?

I have a WSDL file weatherservice.wsdl and I am trying to generate binding for this WSDL using xjc. How …

jaxb wsdl wsdl2java xjc xjb
Two classes have the same xml type name

When I try to publish my Workspace in RAD, I get this error "Two classes have the same xml type …

wsdl jaxb cxf wsdl2java xmltype
How WSDLToJava in cxf works?

'' converts wsdl to java classes. Is it using JAXB internally?How come this command …

cxf wsdl2java Port {}WSHttpBinding_IDWService not found

I'm trying to consume a webservice in java, using a client generated from the wsdl file with wsdl2java. I'm …

web-services jax-ws wsdl2java
Class nor any of its super class is known to this context

Im trying to understand this particular issue i'm having. Using Spring OXM here to implement a Soap WS Consumer. I'm …

spring spring-boot wsdl wsdl2java spring-oxm
Pass a HashMap<String,Object> over SOAP using JAXB

I am trying to pass a Hashmap over SOAP. I am using CXF wsdl2java to create my schema. And …

java soap jaxb schema wsdl2java
change package of generated jaxb class

I have the following data type defined in a wsdl: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <wsdl:definitions name="…

java jaxb jax-ws cxf wsdl2java
Code generation from WSDL causes exception

I'm using Axis2 1.5.1 (wsdl2java) for code generation (client stubs) from a given WSDL file. The webservice is provided by …

java wsdl code-generation axis2 wsdl2java