The WiX Toolset (formerly known as Windows Installer XML) is a toolset that builds Windows installation packages and WiX bootstrappers from XML source code.
I'm looking at using Burn as a bootstrapper for an installer and I need to pass in a couple of …
wix windows-installer bootstrapper burnI have tried modifying the set of WixVariables in my Product.wxs like so: <WixVariable Id="MainLogoBmp" Value="Resources/…
image wix customdialogwxs file the File tag Source attribute; the path has a space in it. <File Id="_uploads.UserImport.EDS_…
file wix whitespace spacesI'm missing something obvious. How do you put the .dll's in a subdirectory called "bin" under your install directory? I'm …
binary wix wix3I'm trying to create an installer with a UI, using WiX. My INSTALLFOLDER is set up using this: <Directory …
wix wix3.7I'm currently learning how to create msi installers using WiX and it seems I've hit a wall. All is well …
wix wix3I've a project using IIS, and I want to create an installer for it with Wix. I've created the .msi …
iis wix burnI have a library with a public COM/ActiveX interface built in Visual Studio 2012. I have an installer for this …
visual-studio-2012 wix typelibI'm using WiX 3.6 ( but could upgrade to 3.8 if necessary ) and have a bootsrapper written in BURN, that's nearly doing everything …
wix burnHow do I get Wix to include a CustomTable with no rows in the final MSI? If I simply define …
wix dtf custom-action