Top "Typelib" questions

A type library is a standard format for interface descriptions.

How to register a legacy typelib (.tlb) on Windows 7?

I have a new PC running Windows 7 and Visual Studio 2010, and need to register a legacy typelib (.tlb) to interface …

windows-7 typelib regtlib
Generate manifest files for registration-free COM

I have some applications (some native, some .NET) which use manifest files so that they can be deployed in complete …

com manifest dll regfreecom typelib
How to generate type library from unmanaged COM dll

I have to use third party, unmanaged COM dll into my .NET application. I need to modify this assembly to …

c++ com unmanaged regsvr32 typelib
Register type library x64 regtlib

I'm running Windows 7 x64, and need to register a type library file (.tlb). I've done this previously (on a Vista …

64-bit typelib regtlib
Visual Studio 2010 - TYPE_E_REGISTRYACCESS

I'm building my VS2010 solution and in output window there is an error just for one project. In error tab: …

visual-studio-2010 typelib
COM automation using tlb file

Consider me a novice to windows environment and COM programming. I have to automate an application (CANoe) access. CANoe exposes …

c++ com automation typelib
Import TLB into C#

i want to import a Type Library (tlb) into C#. How do i import a .tlb into a .cs code …

c# com typelib
Replicating Visual Studio COM registration with a WiX Installer

Once upon a time, a young, naive engineer thought it would be a good idea to separate out some of …

.net windows com wix typelib
warning MSB3391: <DLL> does not contain any types that can be unregistered for COM Interop

I've made a simple C# DLL (that's part of a much larger project) using VS2005. I need to use the …

c# visual-studio com-interop typelib comvisible
fatal error C1084: Cannot read type library file: 'Smegui.tlb': Error loading type library/DLL

I am trying to build an old version of an application which consists of VC++ projects that were written in …

visual-c++ dll typelib