Top "Wix" questions

The WiX Toolset (formerly known as Windows Installer XML) is a toolset that builds Windows installation packages and WiX bootstrappers from XML source code.

Extract contents of Burn bootstrapper

I have an MSI package bundled in a WiX Burn bootstrapper. Can I extract this MSI from the bundle on …

wix burn
wix major upgrade not installing all files

I have a very simple WiX project (version 3.7) that installs somes files (a .NET program version I'm ready to release …

wix major-upgrade
Creating localized WIX 3.6 bootstrappers.

I created a WIX project in Visual Studio 2010 over a year ago. It creates an MSI file and a bootstrapper …

visual-studio-2010 localization wix wix3.6 burn
How to run custom action based on condition?

I'm trying to run a custom action (delete a certain file) based on the windows version. I know how to …

wix windows-installer conditional conditional-statements custom-action
Editing Web.Config Connection string settings with Wix

I am currently attempting to modify my Wix(V3.5) installer to edit the Web.config settings of the .NET application …

.net entity-framework wix wix3.5
How to use ProgramFilesFolder value in a variable in a wxi file

In my wxi file, I want to set a variable that has the Program Files directory. I want it to …

wix wix3.7
Use Wix installer to add shortcut to subfolder in startmenu programs

I am trying to add my program shortcut to an existing folder in the start menu shortcuts. For example All …

windows installation wix windows-installer startmenu
Remove registry keys under HKCU on a per machine installation

I build a perMachine installer using WiX 3.6 to install a software I had not developed. Unfortunately the software creates some …

wix wix3.6
How to create and edit WiX files?

Microsoft is moving away from the Visual Studio built-in MSI setup projects. WiX seems to be one alternative. But the …

wix votive
How to link custom action to control event

I'm studying Wix to build product installer. I've customized the UI successfully but be wondering how to link a custom …

wix custom-action wix3.5