Top "Wix" questions

The WiX Toolset (formerly known as Windows Installer XML) is a toolset that builds Windows installation packages and WiX bootstrappers from XML source code.

WiX unresolved reference to symbol media 1 in section fragment

I am trying to build my WiX Project in Visual Studio 2010, but everytime I build, I receive the following error …

wix wix3.5
Create folder inside C:\ProgramData using WIX installer and deploy few configuration files in that folder

i tried with following code, But ProgramData folder is not getting created while installing. My requirement is to install some …

installation wix programdata
Changing the TARGETDIR in WiX

I am having problems setting the TARGETDIR path. I used dark.exe to reverse engineer a working MSI file and …

wix wix3.6
Is it possible to prompt for restarting the machine after installation using WiX?

Is it possible to prompt for restarting the machine after installation using WiX?

wix windows-installer reboot
How to generate .msi installer with cmake?

I am trying to generate .msi installer with cmake. I am able to generate .dll and .lib files with some …

windows visual-studio-2010 wix cmake cpack
How to exclude files in Wix toolset

While harvesting files for heat.exe, I would like to exclude the files with the extension .exe from the input …

wix heat
Reference WixUI Error

Enviorment:Win7+VS2012+Wix3.7. Complile error: Unresolved reference to symbol 'WixUI:WixUI_InstallDir' in section 'Product:{9E327731-0EAC-4A02…

wix wix3.7
Customizing text in the standard Wix dialogs

I'm making use of the Wix standard dialogs. How do I customise the text of the messages displayed? For example, …

wix wix3
How to get WiX major upgrade working?

I am struggling to enable the major upgrade functionality in WiX. I want every new version of the installer to …

wix windows-installer upgrade
How to launch Maintenance mode--"Change, Repair, or Remove installation" dialog in WIX

I have changed the wix tutorial codes from here to make my own installer. …

installation wix repair