Top "Windows-7" questions

Use for questions about programming with or for Windows 7, a past release of Microsoft Windows.

What does "Can not obtain ownership information" in Netstat -ab mean?

(Windows 7 x86) If I run netstat -ab, I get a list of active connections, along with the names of the …

windows-7 netstat
custom combobox in wpf Application

Im new to WPF Application. I need to customize my combobox like this image. I have tried this example http://…

c# wpf windows-7 combobox customization
Local SMTP server that can be used for testing and development - won't actually deliver mail

When I'm developing something that sends email, I sometimes don't want to actually send any email, but I do want …

windows-7 smtp
Javax.comm API on 64-bit Windows

I am using the javax.comm API to help my program communicate with hardware over serial port. I am using …

java windows-7 serial-port javax.comm
How to create a 2nd TAP adapter for OpenVPN client on Win7/10

I want to create 2 separate tunnels on 2 separate subnets, so I have 2 separate .ovpn (client) files. The 1st tunnel comes …

windows-7 openvpn
Visual Studio Code "Open With Code" does not appear after right-clicking a folder

Just installed Visual Studio Code 1.1.1 on a Windows 7 machine. When I right-click on a folder, "Open With Code" does not …

windows-7 visual-studio-code windows-7-x64
How to list the windows tftp server directories and files from command prompt?

I have installed Tftpd32 software in my windows 7 pc. I have running tftp server on my windows pc and tftp …

windows windows-7 command tftp
Setting environment variables requires reboot on 64-bit

I am working on an installer using Wix 3.5 that needs to set the system PATH environment variable. This is how …

windows-7 installation wix environment-variables reboot
Get Screen resolution using WMI/powershell in Windows 7

I am using the following script to get screen resolution in Windows using WMI. The script works fine when the …

windows-7 powershell wmi
TOAD for Oracle and Windows 7: Can't initialize OCI. Error -1

I have a problem with TOAD for Oracle 9.1 running on Windows 7 32-bit, described as follows: I have Oracle OraClient10g 10.0.2 …

oracle windows-7 32-bit toad