Top "Windows-7" questions

Use for questions about programming with or for Windows 7, a past release of Microsoft Windows.

Remote desktop connectivity from Windows 7 to Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6

What would be the best way to establish remote desktop connectivity from a Windows 7 machine to Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6? …

windows-7 remote-desktop redhat
Do Windows 8 Store Apps (Metro) run in Windows 7 or XP?

I want to know whether Metro Applications developed using Visual Studio 11 Developer Preview and .Net FrameWork 4.5 can run in Windows 7 …

windows-8 windows-7 windows-runtime windows-store-apps microsoft-metro
Setting maximum CPU usage per process in Windows

Is there a way to set the maximum CPU usage for a process in Windows 7?

windows-7 process cpu-usage
How to install RVM on Windows 7

How do I install RVM on Windows 7? It says to install RVM, and use the following script: user$ bash -s …

ruby windows-7 rvm
How to install G++ 4.9 on windows

I know this seems like a duplicate of this question and many more, but hear me out. That question points …

windows gcc windows-7 installation gcc4.9
Does the VB6 IDE run on Windows 7 / 8 / 10 64-bit?

We're approaching a point of replacing several of our developer PCs and would like to move up to 64-bit to …

vb6 windows-7 64-bit
Visual FoxPro driver for 64 bit Windows 7

I've installed Visual FoxPro driver from this link on my 64 Bit Windows 7 Home Premium OS and tried to register vfpoledb.…

windows-7 drivers visual-foxpro
Access Parallels Windows localhost from Mac

I use Windows (7) OS as a development platform, running on a Mac / Parallels Desktop 5. I would like to access the …

macos windows-7 localhost virtual-machine parallels
windows remote desktop can't connect even if the firewall is off

I am trying to let my pc, which run at win7, accessible remotely, but I am able to. I did …

windows-7 firewall remote-desktop rdp
How do you disable ASLR (address space layout randomization) on Windows 7 x64?

How do you disable ASLR on Windows 7 x64 so that my program will always load the shared CRT at the …

windows windows-7 windows-7-x64 aslr