Top "Windows-7" questions

Use for questions about programming with or for Windows 7, a past release of Microsoft Windows.

Running CMake on Windows

I am currently trying to get CMake to run on my Windows 7 (64-bit) system. I want to compile TagLib for …

windows-7 build-process mingw cmake taglib
Windows 7 environment variable not working in path

I am trying to set up some path using environment variable. I added an environment variable "MAVEN_HOME" with the …

variables windows-7 path environment
How to edit hosts file via CMD?

Hello I'd like to block some websites directly from the command prompt. echo like this: How can I …

windows-7 cmd hosts
How to access my localhost from another PC in LAN?

I am using WAMP server to run my website. I am using Windows 7. I created LAN between 2 PC and I …

windows-7 wamp lan
Windows Batch: How to add Host-Entries?

I want to use this batch script to add new entries into my host file automatically by using windows batch. …

windows-7 batch-file hosts
How to register a legacy typelib (.tlb) on Windows 7?

I have a new PC running Windows 7 and Visual Studio 2010, and need to register a legacy typelib (.tlb) to interface …

windows-7 typelib regtlib
Why does only the first line of this Windows batch file execute but all three lines execute in a command shell?

I have a batch file that executes three Maven commands, one after the other. Each command can be successfully executed …

windows batch-file cmd windows-7
How do I run a PHP script using windows schedule task?

I have installed localhost/server in my machine and I need to run a php script using windows schedule task. …

php windows-7 scheduled-tasks
How can I use a local SMTP server when developing on Windows 7?

How can I get SMTP to work on a Windows 7 development box? I used to just be able to turn …

iis-7 windows-7 smtp
How to open a file from the command line with a specified program?

I would like to open a PDF in Photoshop from the command line. My current issue right now is that …

windows windows-7 windows-7-x64