Top "Javax.comm" questions


How to get javax.comm API?

I'd recently downloaded a project on SMS sending, but when I tries to compile the code it gives error on …

java sms javax.comm
How to read and write data to COM/Serial ports in Android?

I have to read and write data to the COM ports of a device using Android. I am using javax.…

java android javax.comm
Javax.comm API on 64-bit Windows

I am using the javax.comm API to help my program communicate with hardware over serial port. I am using …

java windows-7 serial-port javax.comm
How to get list of available serial ports in my pc using Java?

I just run some codes to get a list of available ports n my cmputer and it returned me false …

java serial-port javax.comm
CommPortIdentifier.getPortIdentifiers is empty

I am building a simple application that communicates through Serial Port using the Java Communication API javax.comm. Here is …

java serial-port javax.comm
How do I get Maven to download javax.comm dependency?

I need the javax.comm library when building my project on our Hudson build server with Maven. In my projects …

maven javax.comm
How to read a usb serial port in JAVA?

I add some detail to my question. I receive on my Xbee device a flow of GPS coordinates but I'm …

java api serial-port javax.comm jssc