Top "Windbg" questions

WinDbg is a user and kernel mode debugger for Windows.

Getting windbg without the whole WDK?

Does anyone know how to get ahold of windbg without having to download the entire 620MB WDK ISO? All I …

How to set up symbols in WinDbg?

I am using Debugging Tools for Windows and I get the following error message when starting WinDbg / cdb or ntsd: …

debugging windbg debug-symbols
ERROR: Symbol file could not be found. windbg.exe

I downloaded the symbols from the package (Windows 7 RTM x86 retail …

debugging windbg symbols w3wp
Unable to load SOS in WinDbg

Background: I'm new to WinDbg and trying to get it running for the first time. I want to examine a …

.net-4.0 windbg sos
WinDbg symbol resolution

When using WinDbg, where should the private symbol files (pdb?) be placed? My situation is: I have a DLL which …

debugging dll windbg symbols
Good tutorial for WinDbg?

Are there good tutorials for showing how to use WinDbg?

A process serving application pool 'X' suffered a fatal communication error with the Windows Process Activation Service

I'm running an ASP.NET 4.0 application under IIS 7.5. Several times a day, our application pool is recycling unexpectedly. Our system … debugging http iis-7 windbg
What is the "Break instruction exception" in WinDbg?

I'm debugging some random crash bugs, but actually very difficult to go deep into. Because when i open crash dump, …

windows heap windbg breakpoints corruption
WinDbg x64: Cannot debug a crash dump - failed to load data access DLL

I attached WinDbg to a running process and had the process crashed (I have a separate question re. that case). …

debugging windbg dump