Top "Windbg" questions

WinDbg is a user and kernel mode debugger for Windows.

Debugging dump of 32-bit process captured on 64-bit machine

I recently received a 64-bit crash dump from a customer. Our processes are all 32-bit, but the customer's machine is …

visual-studio-2010 debugging 64-bit windbg crash-dumps
Kernel trace Windows 7 WinDbg

I'm getting no debug information when debugging en_windows_7_checked_build_dvd_x86_398742. I can't see even my own trace …

windows debugging kernel windbg
Why use WinDbg vs the Visual Studio (VS) debugger?

What are the major reasons for using WinDbg vs the Visual Studio debugger? And is it commonly used as a …

visual-studio windbg
Manually setting breakpoints in WinDBG

I am trying to examine the assembly for an executable using WinDBG, but I am having a hard time getting …

windbg breakpoints ollydbg
Why can't WinDBG find the mscordacwks.dll?

I'm trying to use WinDBG to analyze a crash dump from one of our production machines. The root of my …

windbg sos debugdiag
WinDBG View Passed Arguments to Any Function

I'm using windbg to debug an Windows executable. I want to know how I can see arguments passed to any …

debugging windbg callstack
Crash dump - WinDbg - force PDB files to match doesn't work?

I have a crash dump for a customer's application built with a very old version of our dll (release build, …

debugging windbg symbols crash-dumps
How to analyze <unclassified> memory usage in windbg

This is a .NET v4 windows service application running on a x64 machine. At some point after days of running …

debugging memory windbg unmanaged
Decoding the parameters of a thrown C++ exception (0xE06D7363)

I've got a crash-dump file (my 32-bit windows application has crashed on a customer computer). Exception code is 0xE06D7363. …

c++ debugging visual-c++ windbg crash-dumps
WINDBG, how to view the contents of an array?

I'm using WINDBG to analyze a dump file for a program that exhibits a bit too high memory usage. One …

arrays windbg managed-extensions