Top "Sos" questions

SOS is a debugger extension that allows a developer to inspect the managed state of a .NET Core and desktop runtime process.

Unable to load SOS in WinDbg

Background: I'm new to WinDbg and trying to get it running for the first time. I want to examine a …

.net-4.0 windbg sos
What to do with "The version of SOS does not match the version of CLR you are debugging" in WinDbg?

I'm having a problem with some of my apps. It's a wcf-based app running under IIS6 in Windows 2003 Server (x86): …

.net debugging windbg sos minidump
Why can't WinDBG find the mscordacwks.dll?

I'm trying to use WinDBG to analyze a crash dump from one of our production machines. The root of my …

windbg sos debugdiag
Failed to load data access DLL, 0x80004005

0:025> !pe Failed to load data access DLL, 0x80004005 Verify that 1) you have a recent build of the debugger (6.2.14 or …

windbg sos
WinDbg and SoS, how do I print/dump a large string?

I am debugging a hangdump coming from a production server using WinDbg with the SoS extension. There is a string …

.net debugging windbg dump sos
Process information in dump

I learnt that .tlist command in windbg dumps all the processes running in the system at the time of creating …

windbg crash-dumps sos
WinDbg/SOS: Explanation of !SyncBlk output

I am looking of a description of the output generated by the !SyncBlk command of SOS. Particularly I found no …

c# .net debugging windbg sos
Using WinDbg to analyze .NET dump

I am using windbg to perform an analysis on a dump. Following are the commands that I have ran .loadby …

.net windbg dump crash-dumps sos
How can I view the local variables on the evaluation stack when debugging a .NET CLR application?

I'm using Windbg (with the sos extention) and trying to debug a crashed application. I was able to dump the …

debugging stack windbg il sos
.loadby sos clr - specified module could not be found

I am trying to get to the bottom of what the CLR exception that is in my dump file but …

.net windbg sos