Top "Winapi" questions

The Windows API (formerly called the Win32 API) is the core set of application programming interfaces available for the Microsoft Windows operating systems.

How to delete a folder that name ended with a dot (".")?

I got some folders created by malware whose name ended with a dot like C:\a.\ or C:\b.\, etc. …

windows winapi file-io
Why is the compiler throwing this warning: "missing initializer"? Isn't the structure initialized?

I'm creating some sort of frontend for a program. To launch the program I'm using the call CreateProcess(), which among …

c winapi gcc
How can I tell if a window has focus? (Win32 API)

Using the Win32 API (in C, but that's inconsequential), how can I tell if a given window (identified by HWND) …

windows winapi hwnd
FindWindowEx from user32.dll is returning a handle of Zero and error code of 127 using dllimport

I need to handle another windows application programatically, searching google I found a sample which handles windows calculator using DLLImport …

c# winapi pinvoke dllimport findwindow
python win32 COM closing excel workbook

I open several different workbooks (excel xlsx format) in COM, and mess with them. As the program progresses I wish …

python winapi excel com win32com
Determine the current HINSTANCE?

The HINSTANCE of a win32 application is passed to WinMain, but is there any other way of determining the current …

winapi hinstance
Creating a transparent window in C++ Win32

I'm creating what should be a very simple Win32 C++ app whose sole purpose it to ONLY display a semi-transparent …

c++ winapi gdi+ transparency alphablending
Python Setup Disabling Path Length Limit Pros and Cons?

I recently installed python 3.7 and at the end of the download there is the option to Disable Path Length Limit. …

python python-3.x windows winapi
Can multithreading be implemented on a single processor system?

I have always followed the concept that multithreading can only be implemented on multiple processors system where there are more …

c windows multithreading winapi
Why is RegOpenKeyEx() returning error code 2 on Vista 64bit?

I was making the following call: result = RegOpenKeyEx(key, s, 0, KEY_READ, &key); (C++, Visual Studio 5, Vista 64bit). It …

c++ winapi windows-vista registry wow64