Top "Winapi" questions

The Windows API (formerly called the Win32 API) is the core set of application programming interfaces available for the Microsoft Windows operating systems.

How do I get rid of Python Tkinter root window?

Do you know a smart way to hide or in any other way get rid of the root window that …

python winapi tkinter tk
Can I download the Visual C++ Command Line Compiler without Visual Studio?

As per the title. I don't want to download the entire Visual C++ installer, only "cl.exe" and the other …

c++ winapi visual-c++
Get a screenshot of a specific application

I know I can get the screenshot of the entire screen using Graphics.CopyFromScreen(). However, what if I just want …

c# winapi screenshot
Win32 API function to programmatically enable/disable device

I am writing a small C# app to disable a device (my laptop touchpad) whenever another mouse device is detected, …

c# .net windows winapi pinvoke
How do I measure time in C?

I want to find out for how long (approximately) some block of code executes. Something like this: startStopwatch(); // do some …

c windows winapi time
How to read ManagementObject Collection in WMI using C#

I found a code on net and have been trying to get more information about mo[]. I am trying to …

c# windows winapi wmi
How can I get the child windows of a window given its HWND?

I have the handle for a given window. How can I enumerate its child windows?

c# windows winapi children
How do you check if a directory exists on Windows in C?

Question In a Windows C application I want to validate a parameter passed into a function to ensure that the …

c windows winapi
How do I get a list of available serial ports in Win32?

I have some legacy code that provides a list of the available COM ports on the PC by calling the …

winapi serial-port
What's the C++ version of Guid.NewGuid()?

I need to create a GUID in an unmanaged windows C++ project. I'm used to C#, where I'd use Guid.…

c++ windows winapi guid