WebLogic Server is a Java EE application server from Oracle.
I need a custom property to set per each server JVM in Weblogic. What is the better approach doing it? …
weblogic weblogic11gIt's showing - This installer must be executed using a Java Development Kit (JDK) but C:\Program Files\Java\jre7 …
java weblogicWhat are the recommended plugins for eclipse to work with weblogic? Specifically I would need to work with older version …
java jakarta-ee weblogicI am working on deploying a J2ee application that I have previously been deploying in JBOSS into Weblogic I …
java jakarta-ee properties weblogic classpathI am trying to run a Java EE application on weblogic. The application works fine on Tomcat. I have customized …
jakarta-ee web-applications weblogic war http-status-code-403I am new to weblogic. After starting the server when i see administrator console and get log-in it throws below …
java garbage-collection weblogicI am a long time Java developer on JBoss(and Tomcat). In the last year I had to develop over …
java jboss weblogicThe Weblogic servers we are using have been configured to allow JNDI datasource names like "appds". For development (localhost), we …
java tomcat jakarta-ee weblogic jndiWhen I start a Weblogic instance with a deployed application, the deployment is sometimes left in prepared state, not in …
weblogic weblogic-10.xI have created a data source name in Weblogic 10.3.6 as jdbc/appsmDS and the same name has been given in …
jdbc weblogic jndi weblogic11g