Top "Weblogic" questions

WebLogic Server is a Java EE application server from Oracle.

cannot start node manager

When I try to start node manager I am getting below error. I am getting this error on remote machine. …

weblogic weblogic12c
WebLogic stuck thread protection

By default WebLogic kills stuck threads after 15 min (600 s), this is controlled by StuckThreadMaxTime parameter. However, I cannot find more …

jakarta-ee weblogic weblogic-10.x
Cannot find weblogic_home when setting up server in eclipse

I am trying to get my java ee development environment setup but am running into issues when trying to add …

java eclipse jakarta-ee weblogic weblogic12c
How to set order of jars in WebLogic?

In my application I am using Joda-Time 2.0 but in my WebLogic path there is library Joda-Time 1.2. How can I change …

jar weblogic
Weblogic Admin Server vs Managed Servers

What is the difference between a managed server and admin server in Weblogic parlance? What is the responsibility of both …

Error: Could not find or load main class

I am trying to encrypt a database password for my Java EE Application in the terminal. according to this tutorial …

java eclipse encryption weblogic weblogic12c
Weblogic increase memory

How do I increase the memory used by my Weblogic (Java). While starting the server from eclipse it shows a …

java weblogic permgen weblogic12c
How to Force Thread Dump in Eclipse?

I'm launching a Weblogic application inside Eclipse via the BEA Weblogic Server v9.2 runtime environment. If this were running straight …

java eclipse memory-leaks weblogic cannot be cast to

I am getting "java.lang.ClassCastException" while trying to connect to a url using . I am …

java ssl weblogic httpsurlconnection
Weblogic Deployment Exception : PaddingException: Could not perform unpadding: invalid pad byte

This question is asked (and answered) just to share some knowledge with the SO Community. I have recently came up …

oracle weblogic weblogic-10.x jdeveloper