Top "Weblogic" questions

WebLogic Server is a Java EE application server from Oracle.

\Java\jdk1.6.0_03\bin was unexpected at this time

Whenever I am starting my WebLogic server I am getting this error msg in my eclipse console: \Java\jdk1.6.0_03\bin …

java eclipse weblogic jdk1.6
Weblogic 10.3.5: <prefer-web-inf-classes> in weblogic.xml not working VS. server classpath JAR files

Weblogic version: 10.3.5 JSF version (interfaces, impl) : Mojarra 2.0.3 I have a JSF EAR application which is made up of a WAR …

jsf-2 weblogic mojarra
How to get JDBC connections obtained from a JNDI datasource to participate in a UserTransaction using Weblogic 10.3?

I am currently retrieving both a UserTransaction and a DataSource from a Weblogic 10.3 server using JNDI. I have set the …

java jdbc transactions weblogic weblogic-10.x
How to get weblogic managed server listen port in runtime?

I deployed two weblogic managed instance in one server. These two instance using different port number, let say 7001 and 7002. My …

java weblogic port listen
How does weblogic clustering work?

I'm new to weblogic. I've read and searched this …

jakarta-ee weblogic cluster-computing
JMS transport v/s MQ transport

I am using Oracle Service Bus(OSB) as the MOM, and the destination URI is a IBM MQ queue. I …

java jms weblogic ibm-mq oracle-service-bus
How to migrate Weblogic's config.xml to multiple machines?

our development team develops a J2EE application that runs on Weblogic 10.3. Each development machine runs its own copy of …

integration weblogic configuration-files weblogic-10.x
How to make WebLogic log all "console" message into a file?

In Eclipse you can see all messages in console (output of System.out.println), but in WebLogic, how can I …

logging weblogic io-redirection
How can i solve a NoClassDefFoundError?

I have installed Oracle Weblogic 11g on Oracle Linux and I tried to complete one of Oracle's ADF tutorials using …

java oracle weblogic noclassdeffounderror jdeveloper
How to run WLST in windows?

I tried to run WLST (on Windows XP) but i always get java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Exception in thread "main" java.…

windows weblogic wlst