How to force Weblogic to start deployments in active state (i.e. not just prepared)

doublep picture doublep · Apr 23, 2010 · Viewed 47.1k times · Source

When I start a Weblogic instance with a deployed application, the deployment is sometimes left in prepared state, not in active state. I have to go to Weblogic Console and start the deployment manually, which is quite slow and annoying repetetive work. Since this is done on a development machine — sometimes 50 times a day, — there are no security implication as the server is only visible on the local network. Is there some way to have it always start the deployment active?

Note that I'm not redeploying the application, I instead have it "constantly deployed" and stop/start the Weblogic instance using the scripts in bin directory.


JoseK picture JoseK · Apr 23, 2010

If you are running weblogic in development mode, you can use the autodeploy folder for your app. See details here:

Think this should solve your problem