Top "Webdriver" questions

WebDriver is an API for controlling web browsers, imitating a real user.

Find the reCAPTCHA element and click on it -- Python + Selenium

I need some help. There is URL: I need to click …

python selenium webdriver recaptcha webdriverwait
Is there an HtmlUnitDriver for .NET?

I'm using Selenium's WebDriver to run some SpecFlow tests for an ASP.NET MVC app I'm working on for self-education. …

.net selenium webdriver htmlunit-driver
How to remove deprecation warning on timeout and polling in Selenium Java Client v3.11.0

Below is my code which is showing as deprecated after I have been updated the Selenium Webdriver version to 3.11.0. private …

java selenium selenium-webdriver webdriver fluentwait
What Is Selenium And What Is WebDriver?

What is Selenium? When you open the official page of the Selenium, the first thing you read is "Selenium automates …

selenium selenium-webdriver webdriver selenium3 selenium4
How do I change the page load Timeouts in Watir-Webdriver (timeout in .click method)

I have the following code => 'Generate Report').click => 'byTotalValue').wait_until_present(180) …

webdriver watir watir-webdriver
Handle windows authentication pop up on Chrome

I am trying to handle the basic authentication pop up for my Selenium webdriver scripts using AutoIt. I wrote a …

selenium selenium-webdriver webdriver autoit
Chrome on remote webdriver (via Grid) failed to start

I'm having trouble launching Cucumber test with Chrome using remote webdriver capabilities on Grid (1 linux hub and 1 linux node with …

google-chrome selenium webdriver watir selenium-grid
Selenium server not starting for custom firefox profile

I'm trying to start the selenium server by passing custom firefox profile to the DefaultSelenium constructor. It opens the browser …

firefox selenium webdriver selenium-server
Chromedriver --screenshot not working in headless mode?

I'm using new chrome driver headless mode (Chrome v59, mac os) with webdriver. but unfortunately, screenshot option given in headless …

selenium selenium-webdriver webdriver selenium-chromedriver headless