Top "Webdriver" questions

WebDriver is an API for controlling web browsers, imitating a real user.

Codeception pressKey ENTER does not work

I am not familiar with codeception. I am trying to insert a text in an input field and press the …

webdriver selenium-webdriver enter codeception
How to send several keys in WebDriver with Python?

How to make Python code in WebDriver to press Command+Shift+H buttons on keyboard (or keys)? Update: info: Pushing …

python python-2.7 selenium-webdriver webdriver sendkeys
phantomjs not closing and leaving orphan processes

On PhantomJS 1.9.2, ubuntu 12 LTS and Ghostdirver 1.04 together with selenium 2.35 I get dangling phantomjs processes after my tests. Anyone knows a …

memory-leaks webdriver phantomjs ghostdriver
How to handle browser or app may not be secure issue with web driver Selenium python?

I'm trying to automate sign in into gmail and I get to see this error. I think this must be …

python selenium webdriver browser-automation
Does Webdriver support pagefactory for Python?

I was reading about page objects and design patterns on the Webdriver project site and came across pagefactory. It doesn't …

python webdriver pageobjects
Error "Other element would receive the click" in Python

I tried to click a link like this: <div class="loading" style="display:none;"> <p class="btn …

python-3.x selenium selenium-webdriver webdriver webdriverwait
Headless browser detection

Do you know any webapps/online tests/online firewalls that are trying to detect if user is using selenium/puppeteer/…

selenium webdriver phantomjs puppeteer headless-browser
Ruby - require 'watir-webdriver' - generates a LoadError no such file... Why?

I am new to Ruby and would really appreciate some help understanding what is going on here. Summary: Gem install …

ruby webdriver watir watir-webdriver
Difference between org.junit.Test and junit.framework.Test packages

<project name="JunitSuite" basedir="." default="clean"> <property name="${src}" value="./src/JunitSuiteProject" /> <property name="${build}" …

selenium webdriver junit4 junit3