WebDriver is an API for controlling web browsers, imitating a real user.
I tried the below code for taking full page screenshot. But only the visible area is captured, public void Fullscreen (…
java selenium webdriver screenshot ashotTest Scenario: Trying to capture and test Gmail Login. Current Output: Mozilla instance opens up. Username is entered but the …
java selenium selenium-webdriver webdriver webdriverwaitWhat I'm trying to achieve Successfully run my protractor tests on headless chrome on Ubuntu 14 non gui. Set up Using …
google-chrome selenium webdriver protractor headless-browseri m navigating a website where i have a situation that when I m clicking on a button it should …
google-chrome selenium webdriver selenium-chromedriver chrome-optionsI'm trying to play QWOP using Selenium on Chrome but I keep getting the following error: selenium.common.exceptions.NoSuchElementException: …
python selenium selenium-webdriver webdriver nosuchelementexceptionThe issue is that Sikuli's image recognition capabilities only work when the target of the Sikuli tests is in the …
selenium jenkins continuous-integration webdriver sikuliI'm going to organize an explicit wait in Selenium like this: WebDriverWait = new WebDriverWait(driver,30); WebElement element = wait.until(ExpectedConditions.…
java selenium selenium-webdriver webdriver pageobjectsI'm trying to use PhantomJS 2.0/GhostDriver instead the ChromeDriver, since I have read I could speed up my UI tests. …
java selenium-webdriver webdriver phantomjs ghostdriverWhen I try to log into the Chase website using Selenium (Python), I'm hit with the following error message: However, …
python selenium google-chrome webdriver selenium-chromedriver