Top "Webdriver" questions

WebDriver is an API for controlling web browsers, imitating a real user.

How to locate elements with Appium and Python?

Testing a simple Calculator App on Android Device. Tried many methods to locate an element, but failed. The information I …

python webdriver element appium locate
How to take full page screenshot using AShot library through Selenium and Java

I tried the below code for taking full page screenshot. But only the visible area is captured, public void Fullscreen (…

java selenium webdriver screenshot ashot
Selenium WebDriver throws Exception in thread "main" org.openqa.selenium.ElementNotInteractableException

Test Scenario: Trying to capture and test Gmail Login. Current Output: Mozilla instance opens up. Username is entered but the …

java selenium selenium-webdriver webdriver webdriverwait
WebDriverError: unknown error: Chrome failed to start: exited abnormally

What I'm trying to achieve Successfully run my protractor tests on headless chrome on Ubuntu 14 non gui. Set up Using …

google-chrome selenium webdriver protractor headless-browser
Selenium "selenium.common.exceptions.NoSuchElementException" when using Chrome

I'm trying to play QWOP using Selenium on Chrome but I keep getting the following error: selenium.common.exceptions.NoSuchElementException: …

python selenium selenium-webdriver webdriver nosuchelementexception
How to explicitly wait while using page factory in Selenium?

I'm going to organize an explicit wait in Selenium like this: WebDriverWait = new WebDriverWait(driver,30); WebElement element = wait.until(ExpectedConditions.…

java selenium selenium-webdriver webdriver pageobjects
PhantomJS slower than ChromeDriver, using Selenium

I'm trying to use PhantomJS 2.0/GhostDriver instead the ChromeDriver, since I have read I could speed up my UI tests. …

java selenium-webdriver webdriver phantomjs ghostdriver
Unable to use Selenium to automate Chase site login

When I try to log into the Chase website using Selenium (Python), I'm hit with the following error message: However, …

python selenium google-chrome webdriver selenium-chromedriver