Top "Htmlunit-driver" questions

Selenium HtmlUnit Driver is a WebDriver implementation using HtmlUnit as browser.

Why doesn't HtmlUnitDriver execute JavaScript?

I got the following problem: I am running a JUnit testCase with Selenium 2.9 using HtmlUnitDriver with Browserversion Firefox_3_6. JavaScript is …

java javascript ajax selenium htmlunit-driver
HtmlUnit ignore JavaScript errors?

I'm trying to traverse through a website but on one of their pages I get this error: EcmaError: lineNumber=[671] column=[0] …

java htmlunit htmlunit-driver
Is there an HtmlUnitDriver for .NET?

I'm using Selenium's WebDriver to run some SpecFlow tests for an ASP.NET MVC app I'm working on for self-education. …

.net selenium webdriver htmlunit-driver
HtmlUnitDriver (HtmlUnit) vs GhostDriver (PhantomJS)?

We are in the middle of choosing our headless browser driver solution that will be some implementation of Selenium WebDriver. …

selenium-webdriver phantomjs htmlunit ghostdriver htmlunit-driver
HtmlUnitDriver does not appear to be loading page

I'm trying to get HtmlUnitDriver to work in my development environment. As a beginner, I've tried implementing the example from …

java selenium htmlunit-driver
HtmlUnit ScriptException errors

I am using HtmlUnitDriver,& here is my code. HtmlUnitDriver driver = new HtmlUnitDriver(true); driver.get("some url here"); I …

java htmlunit htmlunit-driver