Top "Web-hosting" questions

Web hosting is a service that provides clients with the ability to make their content web-accesible by renting server space in a company's data center.

htaccess redirect URI to parent directory

I have a website hosted in /var/www/thesite (apache server), it's a Symfony2 website so inside this folder I …

apache .htaccess symfony mod-rewrite web-hosting
adding ExpiresDefault to .htaccess file

I have updated my .htaccess file to include the following: <FilesMatch "\.(css|js)$"> ExpiresDefault "access plus 1 month" </…

apache .htaccess web-hosting mod-expires
Nginx allow only root and api locations

I have a server configured as a reverse proxy to my server. I want to reject all the requests except …

nginx webserver web-hosting access-control nginx-location
How to test for python support in a web host

Hello a client of mine bought a pretty bad web host and i don't even have ssh access, their ticket …

python testing web-applications web-hosting
AWS, DigitalOcean vs heroku, google app engine

The difference between the AWS, DigitalOean and heroku and google app engine? AWS and DigitalOcean are web hosting site used …

google-app-engine heroku amazon-web-services web-hosting
Selecting a Rails host

I'm close to picking a Rails host. I think I need a VPS solution, because (1) my Rails app has gems …

ruby-on-rails hosting web-hosting
Hosting java web application with oracle database

I have been trying to find out how best I can host a JavaEE5 web application with Oracle11g database. …

oracle11g hosting web-hosting java-ee-5
CNAME entry not working on NameCheap using Amazon Certificate Manager

I am trying to set up a few SSL certificates in Amazon Certificate Manager, but I am trouble getting them …

amazon-web-services amazon-s3 dns web-hosting namecheap
How to deploy a java Spring boot application for free

I wanted to know how a java web application made with spring boot or an app built just on servlets …

java git hosting web-deployment web-hosting