Hello a client of mine bought a pretty bad web host and i don't even have ssh access, their ticket suport only answered with "yes we support python in our servers" but i can't run any .cgi .py or application.wsgi files. is there a sure way to tell if the server supports python? I only have access to the ftp and the directadmin interface, i would like to know more before i can complaing again to their support system otherwise they will not pay attention.
The host is neubox.net this is what i already tried. This tutorial http://www.howtoforge.com/embedding-python-in-apache2-with-mod_python-debian-etch worked on my dev machine, it says that i need to add a webhost in the apache2 /available-sites dir but obviously i don't have access to that folder in the hosting. I also tried putting this script on the root of my host, called application.wsgi it didnt work
import os
import sys
os.environ['DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE'] = 'mysite.settings'
import django.core.handlers.wsgi
application = django.core.handlers.wsgi.WSGIHandler()
I also tried this file application.py on the root
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-
# enable debugging
import cgitb
print "Content-Type: text/plain;charset=utf-8"
print "Hello World!"
Those files were shown as plain text, i tried that exact same code but named application.cgi and oddly enough it returned a 404 error, the file of course its there. I saw at the directadmin interface in site summary that CGI-Bin OFF So i guess thats the reason for the 404. In the same page i see that the name servers are http://ns115.neubox.net/ http://ns116.neubox.net The first one says Apache is functioning normally This is their services comparison site (spanish) http://neubox.net/comparativo-hosting.php
I wish i could know what OS are they running i'm almost sure is linux because on my root there is a folder .htpasswd and those .folders are linux for hidden, but i'm not sure if thats a sure way to tell.
They gave me this url its for phpinfo() i see fast-cgi but all the tuts about it talk about doing things like changing Apache configuration wich i obviously can't do, this is the end of my search right? they do not support python.
In your server thay sais that they have php, so maybe you can use this php function. to retrive more info, executing a python script:
# hacking.py
import sys
print sys.version_info
and after you make something like this
// echo $path = exec('pwd');
// exec python script
echo exec('python hacking.py');
dont forget the file permissions