I wanted to know how a java web application made with spring boot or an app built just on servlets and jsp. Consider me as a beginner in this area. I know nothing about hosting an application and I'm trying to do it for the first time. I know there are videos and blogs about it but they use some technicalities sometimes which The just skip and assume that we know it already . If you have suggestions about what should I learn first in order to accomplish this then do suggest or if you have any links to particularly helpful blogs or videos that will do too. Thanking you all in advance.
I too have used GCP to host a Spring-Boot service. I followed this article almost religiously provided by Spring Boot(https://www.baeldung.com/spring-boot-google-app-engine) as well as this github read me that includes extra information about preparing your service to be hosted onto GCP (https://github.com/GoogleCloudPlatform/getting-started-java/tree/master/appengine-standard-java8/springboot-appengine-standard)